how reserve the computer battery

one of the main problems the computer’s users face is the battery  Collapses.
whilst the computer battery shows that is working well ,you find the computer stop working  after a few minutes .
most of the batteries live 3 or 5 years ,or for 1000 charge ,but after a while the battery become wrong reading.
here we are to solve this problem. and know the facts about the true ability of the battery:

first step:
download one of these programs which correct the reading of the battery
you can try “battery bar” program for windows devices ,or “coconut bar” for mac devices

second step:

reset the reading of old batteries to read it correctly
follow this steps:
1_ recharge the battery and leave it charging for more hour at least.
2_ cut the recharge from the battery . then turn down the lights for the lowest level through the starting system ,and cancel the automatic shutdown Property “hibernate”
3_ leave your computer in this situation for five or more hours until it emptied

now recharge the battery normally and you will find it back to working well  and the computer reading it correctly.

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